pop culture, tennis, celebrities, music, news, geek related stuff and anything else I fancy
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Celebrity Duets the votes are in........
At least I was right about the competition being between Alfonzo and Lucy. Hal got the boot, before they announced the winner. He really didn't impress me all that much, his scream-fest has gotten on my nerves the last few performances. His best one was the very first duet with Dennis De Young.
Tonight everyone got in on the singing gig, including Mr. unintelligible himself Little Richard who sang "Good Golly Miss Molly". Which I admit was a nice blast from the past. Before that all 8 celebrities returned for a group number.
David Foster joined in on the piano as the celebs sang songs written by him. And of course there's Marie who also sang a little something with the group. Even the host got a chance to belt out a song with Boys 2 Men. And I have to say Wayne Brady can carry a tune!.
Lucy's husband Rob and daughter Daisy were in the audience again tonight, too bad Renee couldn't make it for the finale.
Tonight was also a chance for the 3 remaining celebs to show off their skills singing solo. Lucy was totally rocking out during hers on a raised platform. I don't know what song it was exactly but it sounded great and she was having a blast doing it.
Even though Lucy didn't win I have to say I am so proud to be her fan, she brought so much fun to her performances it was a blast watching her sing with all these legends and grow more confident with each passing week.
I am sure she will have no regrets or gripes about not winning, after all how can you not feel like a winner when you've sang with some of the best in the business?. I hope that this experience convinces her to continue with her singing.
And who knows? maybe even make an album one of these days. I am so glad I taped all her performances, now I can go back and relive them all over again. I just cannot get enough of her duets last night with Smokey and Bonnie lol. It's sort of hard to believe it's over. I 've gotten used to watching Lucy perform every Thursday and Friday night.
She may not have won the phone poll, but she'll always be a winner in the eyes of all her fans:D.
As they say in New Zealand good on ya Lucy!
Friday, September 29, 2006
Celebrity Duets: Week 5
This song was perfect for her voice she even went as for as to adapt to her duet partners voice and made hers sound more raspy. Now that's talent!. Out of everyone else in this competition Lucy has really held her own in terms of genres. No one else had to do as many as her, Alfonzo sang a lot of ballad/ rock type stuff and Hal has done rock and heavy metal.
None of these genres take the singers out of their comfort zone. So if nothing else Lucy has proven she can really bring it in that department. Her second duet of the night was with Mr. Smokey Robinson (her own choice). The song was "Fly me to the Moon" it was a jazz/blues number, she sounded absolutely great! and looked so relaxed.
Tonight was the first night I noticed how much Lucy has improved over the past 5 weeks, she was no longer worried about the song so much and just went out there and had fun. She looked great as always but this time, it wasn't just that. This time she also sang great in both duets.
I've read a lot of comments on message boards where people kept saying Lucy was only getting through because of her looks and so on, well I hope tonight proves to them all that they were sorely mistaken!. I won't really say who I want to win as long as it is not Hal I'll be happy (of course I would be ecstatic if it's Lucy:D).
But Alfonzo has done a great job and if he wins I'm good with that too. He has an amazing voice. As for the judges well Marie finally paid Lucy a complement in her second performance without any critique attached to it, that was great to hear. She did say something in her first performance about Lucy fading out on certain words or not breathing hard enough or something along those lines but she still thought it was great.
Little Richard actually made sense tonight! in most of his comments, miracles do happen lol. Not that it has ever really mattered what the heck the judges say on this show it's all about the fans or fandoms. Basically it's now left up to the fans to decide who wins. And well the Xenaverse has always been really good at voting someone to the top spot:D.
Lucy's husband Rob and pal Renee O'Connor were supposedly in the audience tonight but I did not see them, probably just blind. Will have to look back at the tape. I'm hoping they all show up tomorrow especially since it is live unlike tonight. Can't wait to see what surprises await tomorrow aside from announcing the winner that is.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Sania Mirza gets her revenge on Hingis
I honestly didn't expect her to win this one. I had a feeling that she might be too tired to pull off a second week of non-stop play. So I'm not really disappointed. At least now she can go home, get some real rest and celebrate her birthday in peace. And since Hingis already beat Mirza in India she's not too upset with the loss either.
Here is related article:
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Hingis successful in first round of Korea Open

Despite suffering jet lag from a 14 hour flight from India Martina Hingis still managed to defeat qualifier Caroline Wozniacki from Denmark in 2 sets 6/3 6/2. In another impressive display of finesse and all court play. And even though she was broken in the last 2 service games she had no problems finishing it off in 67 minutes.
Next up is a re-match with Sania Mirza who Hingis just won against in India. One thing working in Hingis's favour is the slow court surface. I think Sania will be a little tougher to beat here, now that she feels no pressure from her home country. But I think Martina can still beat her. Either way it should be an interesting match. I just wish I could actually watch it.
Pics from hingis.org
Here is an article on the match:
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
Hingis playing in Seoul Korea Open
She doesn't have the greatest winning record against Sugiyama. But if she plays as well as she did in India then anything could happen.
I wish her luck either way:D.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Martina Hingis Sunfeast Open Championship photos:)

I think this outfit is her good luck charm, she won in Rome wearing the same one, maybe she should stick with it lol. It's so great to see her holding another trophy:). All pics from hingis.org
Martina Hingis winner of Sunfeast Open 2006!!
She won in Rome back in May. She won this tournament without dropping a set, very impressive. It took her only 57 minutes to get past her Russian opponent Olga Poutchkova, who was a first time finalist.
Martina had no problems in the first set winning easily 6/0 but got more of a challenge in the second but stayed on her game and won the second 6/4. Besides receiving another 28,000 for her win she also got 120 ranking points.
Which will put her into the #8 spot as of Monday. Knocking off fellow Swiss Patty Schnyder to #9. Couple of more good wins like this one and she'll be back in the top 5 in no time:).
Martina has also said in an interview that this win has given her confidence and she finally feels like she deserves to be in the top 10. I love it when I'm right:D.
Here are some articles related to the match:
Hingis is in the finals at Sunfeast Open
Well, she has done it again she beat India's Sania Mirza for a spot in the final. And from what I have read she did it with a certain amount of power as well as raising the level of her game. Also winning the important points, and basically reading her opponent like a book. She won the match 6/1 6/0. I think that's the best match score she's had in a while. She will now go on to face Russia's Olga Poutchkova.
She also beat Thailand's Tamarine Tanasugarn in the quarters in straight sets. But the first set was tough she was down 0/3 due to some unforced errors before switching things up and winning it 7/5.
Then winning the second set easily 6/2. I'm really glad she's doing so well, these smaller tournaments are turning out to be great for her and I'm sure they will benefit her in the long run. I'm wishing her the best of luck today, I hope she can beat her next opponent and take the title.
Also is it just me or does Martina seem to really like the orange outfit?:D. I'm starting to think that's her favourite colour.
All pics belong to hingis.org
Here are a couple of articles with more details on above matches:
http://www.hindu.com/thehindu/holnus/007200609222240.htm quarter finals
http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2006/09/23/sports/AS_SPT_TEN_Sunfeast_Open.php semi-finals
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Celebrity Duets: And then there were 3
Because they certainly weren't voting based on Thursdays singing if that was the case Jai would have stayed. I think even the judges were shocked. Except for Little Richard who actually wanted Hal to stay.
But on to the important stuff, Lucy is in the finale, yeah!. She deserves it especially after last nights performance. Although she didn't get as many votes as the previous week. I'm so glad she's still in it, now I have a reason to watch this thing to the very end lol. I wanna see Lucy get that money for her charity:D.
Oh, and I am so glad Cheech is finally out, about damn time!. So it is now between Lucy Hal and Alfonzo who I guess received the most amount of votes tonight. Next week should be very interesting, I can't wait to see what artists they have in store. I was also very happy to see Lucy so relaxed having fun and basically being herself. Loved it when she rubbed Wayne's head for luck lol. I love when she's being a goof lol.
Also loved what she was wearing tonight jeans and high heeled boots. It was another rocker chick outfit and it looked great. Lucy's daughter was in the audience again tonight, I'm still hoping to see Renee there next week. What? I can dream lol.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Celebrity Duets week 4
Like I said Lucy still kicked butt with Richard!. For the first time in the competition everyone was able to really hear her voice and it was absolutely great. She seemed more relaxed tonight then all the previous times. And not at all hesitant or timid as Marie would say. I think having her family with her was a big factor in that. She had both her sons with her and her older daughter Daisy was cheering for her in the audience.
That had to feel nice and I'm certain it give her a boost of confidence. Hopefully if she makes it to the final the whole family will be there:D. She got praise from all 3 judges tonight, finally. Well OK 2 I never count Little Richard because I still need a dictionary when he speaks lol. Although Marie had to put in her comment about relating more to her singing partner by touching his shoulder, whatever Marie.
Lucy was on second tonight and had a tough act to follow with Jai and Patti LaBelle tearing down the place with "Lady Marmalade". But I think she really pulled it off. Her best performance to date. I can't wait to see what song Lucy will sing with Marx tomorrow. And she better go through I want her to be in the final 3.
As for the others well again I want Cheech OUT already and the same goes for Hal who did way too much screaming then singing tonight. Aside from Lucy's performance Alfonso was my second favourite. So my pick for the final 3 are Lucy, Jai and Alfonzo. Lucy looked great again tonight (as if that's a huge surprise lol) in a tight black leather dress, I'll have some pics later in the day.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Pic of Taylor Hanson's growing family:)
Here is the article the pic came from:
Hingis through to the quarters at Sunfeast Open

Well Martina beat Tzipora Obziler of Israel today to get into the quarters. She pretty much dominated in the first set 6/2. In the second her opponent picked up her game and made some good shots. But Martina held firm and won it 7/5. Now she just has 3 more matches to win the title I hope she does like I've mentioned before I think it'll be a nice confidence booster for her.
Here is a match related article:
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Hingis has no problem in first match of Sunfeast Open

Now that's what I like to see, Martina in top form and an easy 44 minute 2 set win:). She had no problems breezing past her 1st round opponent Melinda Czink. Winning it 6/1 6/2.
Here is hoping for a repeat performance in her second round match. I think winning these types of matches will be really good for her confidence. And I'm keeping my fingers crossed hoping she takes the title:D.
As always pics are from hingis.org
The black outfit is back, hopefully it'll actually bring her luck in this tournament.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Martina Hingis playing in Sunfeast Open
She actually had to have extra security just to get to her hotel from the airport lol. So I guess Martina is gonna be a big attraction there. I don't see her having too many problems with the players, well except for Sonia Mirza who is India's star player.
Although seeing as how her ranking has plummeted lately I'm not too worried. I'm glad Martina is playing these smaller tournaments. I think it'll be good for her mental toughness, as well as match practice. It might even allow her to work on some things. Not to mention keep her in the top 10:).
Here is a related article:
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Taylor Hanson becomes a father again!
River joins older brother Ezra and younger sister Penelope. The birth announcement was made on Friday on the bands official site. I guess they wanted to keep things under wraps for a couple of weeks. Anyway all kidding aside congrats to Tay and his growing family:).
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Another Celebrity Duets pic:)

Here is another pic of Lucy this time in the gold dress from last night:).
Photo by Sharon Delaney from Lucy's official site
Celebrity Duets America has voted and...
So far I still haven't heard that one knock out song from her, she's doing great with the artists but I'm hoping she gets some better songs next week. One where she does most of the singing instead of the other way around.
I can't wait to see who she gets paired up with. Hope it's Cindi Lauper:D. The bottom three tonight were Hal Sparks, Cheech, and Carly Patterson.
Poor Carly got the boot, which I thought was unfair it should have been Cheech I don't even know why the heck he's still there.
And Hal should not have been in the bottom 3 it should have been Jai who had a less then stellar night Thursday. But oh well, what are you gonna do, at least Lucy is still in this thing:D.
It'll be interesting to see how she handles the pressure of being the only woman left in the competition. Next week things are gonna get tougher with 2 people being voted off instead of 1.
Thankfully we were spared any comments from Little Richard tonight who had a prior engagement, I say thank god! that man makes no sense to me anyway lol.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Duets pic week 3

Here is a pic of Lucy Lawless backstage wearing last nights dress. The dress looks really great under the spotlight.
Photo by Sharon Delaney from Lucy's official site
Celebrity Duets week 3
I think she did it partly out of respect and part intimidation. I hope she takes David Fosters advice and sings higher next time so people can actually hear her vocal. And I also agree with him on his comments in terms of Lucy having to deal with the toughest genres out of all the other celebs and handling it well. I hope she makes it through and gets a chance to sing with another female artist like Cindi Lauper.
Her wardrobe was definitely working for her again, this time she was wearing this beautiful glittery blue dress with her hair straight again. I might have some pics tomorrow:D.
And loved her personality peaking through when listening to Little Richards comments and doing a little Xena yell lol. It was great to see all the I love Lucy signs as well:). She gets another chance to sing with Warwick tomorrow hopefully they'll pick a better song. I'll be watching to see if Lucy is more relaxed on Friday like she was last week. As for the judges Little Richard was his usual incoherent self lol.
I need a dictionary for that man lol. Marie was really critical on everyone tonight, but I guess it's because we're getting down to the wire. As for the other celebrities Hal Sparks did the best tonight. I think he even out sang Jai Rodriguez.
My pick for who I want gone this week?, without a doubt Cheech. He has got to go. I think the gymnast Carly Paterson deserves to stick around for another week but he has got to go!.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Saturn, Mars, Venus and....Eris?
Eris is named after the Greek goddess of chaos and strife. I guess the chaos part is somehow appropriate. Considering it was the planet that kicked Pluto out stripping it of it's planetary status. Thereby forcing everyone to re-write new astronomy books, which we will eventually have to go out and buy lol.
Here is a Yahoo article with more details:
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Ellen DeGeneres to host The Oscars
I think her brand of comedy will be good for The Oscars help to actually make it entertaining instead the bore that it is every year. I still won't know any of the nominated movies because I never get to see them lol.
But I'll watch it purely for the jokes which I know will be great. I also find it interesting that The Academy Awards are in February again this year, what happened to March?. Makes you wonder why they changed that little tradition, maybe due to Sept. 11.
Here is an article confirming the news:
Monday, September 11, 2006
And the 2006 U.S. Open Tennis Champion is.....

Roger Federer!. Not that there was ever any doubt in my mind. And of course in winning this title he became a part of Tennis history, being one of a handful of guys to win Wimbledon and the U.S. Open 3 years in a row.
Thus also capturing his 9th Grand Slam Title. As soon as Nadal lost I just knew Roger would take it. Although I have to give Andy Roddick credit he played really well in the first 3 sets and really made it a competitive match, made Federer work for it.
But Roger really turned up the heat in the forth. It was a very enjoyable match, I think Andy just run out of gas by the 4th set. And Roger pretty much looked like he barely broke a sweat lol. The man is amazing.
Hopefully this time next year there will be another Swiss champion on the women's side;). And if you're thinking Martina Hingis then you hit the jackpot:D.
Above pics are from hingis.org
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Promised Celebrity Duet pics
And the infamous fringe dress:D
Photo by Sharon Delaney from Lucy's official site
Well as promised here are the outfits I talked about in yesterday's post. Took a little longer, I was waiting for some good pics to show up. For those of you who have no clue about Lucy Lawless check out the above official site link;).
Amy Acker gives birth to baby girl
I love Amy I don't know what it is about her but she plays evil characters so well:D. For those who don't know she's best known for the character of Fred on "Angel". And a notable appearance on "Alias".
For more details check out this article:
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Celebrity Duets the results are in....
And man! can that woman pick her outfits lol. I might post some pics later in the day for those who don't know what I'm talking about;). Ok, I'll give one hint, two words rocker and chick;). In her duet tonight Lucy sang one of Kenny Loggins greatest hits "Footloose". My all time fave 80's movie:D.
And she kicked butt! singing it I mean lol. She was so much more relaxed than last night, her personality was really shining through in the performance. I think people finally got to see how quirky she is. Oh, and I forgot to mention for the Footloose number she was wearing this great white fringe dress and looked absolutely gorgeous. Again I hope I look that good when I'm in my 30's:D.
This time Kenny Loggins seemed to have a real chemistry with Lucy and looked to be really enjoying himself. It could have also been what Lucy was wearing lol. But either way it was a knock out performance. Hopefully, Lucy will stay as relaxed and really shows what she can do next week.
As for the voting and the other celebrities, Lea Thompson was booted off:( which I thought really sucked. It really should have been the gymnast Carly Paterson or Cheech. But, oh well. Can't wait to see what this show has in store next week!. I hope it'll be Cindi Lauper or Richard Marx as I've said before I want one of them to sing with Lucy:D.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Thumbs up for Celebrity Duets
And I give them kudos 'cause it has to be intimidating as hell to sing with some of the singers that have been on. This week there was Wynona Judd, Brian McKnight, Clint Black, Belinda Carlisle, Kenny Loggins even one of the Pointer sisters.
Very cool. And most of the celebs held their own. Of course the main celeb I really care about is Lucy Lawless:D. Who unfortunately tonight did not do so well, I think she actually did better last week. But it's only because she's her own biggest critic and a little bit of a perfectionist. Which can be good and bad. She was too worried about sounding perfect tonight and forgot some of the lyrics. Marie Osmond didn't let her forget it either. Mostly I just think she needs to learn to relax and not take the vocals so seriously just be herself and enjoy the moment.
The way she did in her first week. With all that said I also think she got the short end of the stick because she once again drew a male singer (last week she sang with Smokey Robinson and Micheal Bolton) this week it was Kenny Loggins. I really want to see Lucy sing with a female artist, just to be able to hear her vocals better.
If I had my pic I would love for her to sing with Cindi Lauper and if it had to be another male artist I think she would sound great with someone like Richard Marx. Who knows? it might even happen tomorrow since all the celebs are singing again during the results show with new artists. Can't wait!.
Lucy's husband Rob Tapert was in the audience tonight supporting his wife, along with Xena fan club president Sharon Delaney. Although they misspelled Rob's last name as Rob Talpert lol. Poor guy. So not a stellar night for Lucy but I have no doubt that the fan base will pull together and vote her through. Xena fans are nothing if not totally dedicated;). So I'm sure she'll move to the next round.
As for the others I thought Lea Thompson did a great job tonight singing with Belinda, Jai Rodriguez still seems to be leading the pack though. Hal Sparks also sounded better then last week. And heck, even Cheech Marin improved! who knew? lol. And of course Alfonso (from Fresh Prince) was great as well, I think he'll definitely go far. I'm pretty sure the next celeb to go will be the Olympic gymnast Carly Paterson.
Nonetheless I think this show will turn into battle of the fans lol. Whoever has the biggest fan base will get the most votes. And quite frankly I don't really know of any bigger fan base then the Xenaverse:D (except for maybe Star Trek).
Also forgot to add a small note about the judges, good god! Little Richard must come with a dictionary I cannot understand a single word the guy says lol. David Foster is obviously the most qualified and does give good constructive criticism.
Same with Marie she's harsh but fair. I'm still wishing they had chosen a better middle judge though, at this point Little Richard is making Paula Abdul sound 100 times better lol.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Something new, something old
And don't forget to vote in the mini poll. Since I don't care about who wins on the women's side I have changed it to the men's instead. Cast a vote I'm curious who you think will win the U.S. Open:D.
Nadal out Davenport out Federer and Sharapova still alive
Which means I am bowing out of watching the women's final because, I am so not interested in them playing again. Heck it won't make one bit of difference if it is Sharapova instead, since I despise her even more.
So women's final is out for me, but for the first time in a while I'm actually interested in the men's final. Especially now that Nadal is out and there will no longer be another Nadal/Federer clash. That was a pleasant surprise.
Now I have no doubt that it will be Mr. Federer who takes the title and even though that's predictable I still like it. Since Martina couldn't win it at least her fellow Swiss countryman will:D. Plus if Roger wins this one it'll give him even more points allowing him to continue to hold his #1 ranking longer. And that's good news in my book.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Cruise apologizes to Brooke Shields for postpartum spat
According to Shields he was very sincere and she accepted his apology. Now what really gets my wheels turning is why exactly is he apologizing for those comments now?. It's been what a whole year?. From what I've read the reason he did this is because he wants to reconcile his friendship with Shields.
I'm not so convinced that's it, I think maybe Tom has experienced some of the postpartum depression with Katie and doesn't wanna admit that he was wrong. It could also be Cruise's way of trying to win back his female fans of which I'm sure he has lost many.
As evidenced by his dwindling popularity and poor movie ticket sales. Also apparently his views on the issue of postpartum depression have not changed one bit. So I'm not sure how the friendship thing will work.
If you ask me Brooke is being too nice, if I was in her spot I'd just say "Hey buddy too little too late". But that's me and I do not have any respect for the man.
Oh, and as for the whole Suri thing? photos of her and so forth. I say "who gives a..." lol. With that said I have actually seen a few random pics and gotta say not what I would call 'cute'.
Here is a related article for those interested:
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Missed Rosie's debut on "The View":(
Also looking forward to the Davenport/Henin-Hardenne match tonight, that should be quite a good match. That is if the rain stops in time lol. I don't think we've ever had this many rain delays in one grand slam lol. It's getting ridiculous.
Momo beats Williams to get into the quarters
Since she still seems to suffer those really bad game or should I say set lapses. That always seems to be the pattern with Mauresmo, she plays well at first and somewhere in the middle of the match she just drops out.
She won the first one easy 6/4 but completely went away in the second and got bagled 0/6. Then finally came back in the third set 6/2. And as much as I don't like Mauresmo I gotta give her credit she played a lot better then Serena, certainly moved a lot faster.
That's really the only reason I bothered to watch this match. I just wanted to see Mauresmo kick Serena's butt lol. I know sometimes I can be a total b* * * * lol.
Monday, September 04, 2006
'Crocodile Hunter' dies from stingray
He was only 44. I was going write about this last night, it's really sad. At the same time I guess it's sort of to be expected when you do some of the crazy things that he often did but it's still a very sad situation. I can't imagine how his wife and kids feel.
Here is an article confirming the news:
Sunday, September 03, 2006
The dream ends for Andre Agassi at his last U.S. Open
This was an amazing match nonetheless, even when I thought Andre was going to loose he still managed to get it to 4 sets. And even though he lost today, the first 2 matches he played at this years U.S. Open will no doubt go down into Tennis history as 2 of his best.
What an amazing career this guy has had, I have no doubt that he will continue to give to Tennis the way he has been for so many years. Through his Tennis academy and all the money he has raised. I wish him and his family all the best, and who knows? 20 years from now we may see his kids out on court.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
All play moved to Sunday
It's another rain delay at Billie Jean King National Tennis Centre
So many great players are suppose to play. I have a feeling all of them will have to wait till tomorrow. And if that's the case it'll be a great thing for Andre Agassi, he'll have one extra day of rest. Which will certainly improve his chances of moving to the 4th round.
And I guess Martina Hingis can feel lucky she doesn't have to sit and wait out another rain delay, she's probably relaxing at home in Florida re-evaluating and re-grouping.
Nothing to do now but wait.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Amazing Agassi marathon
And the 36 year old Agassi who had to receive cortisone injections for his back just kept on going. It was really exciting to watch, and the crowd was absolutely nuts!. I lost count of how many times the chair empire had to ask the crowd to be quiet:lol. That match went on for 3 hours and 40 minutes I was on the edge of my seat along with Steffi the entire time.
I really hope Agassi can go all the way, of course if he wants to win the title he's gonna have to get past Roger Federer and that may be tough. But you never know. I'm rooting for him. On the women's side I'm rooting for Lindsay Davenport now that Hingis is gone.
It would make a great story especially since Lindsay has been away for 6 months with that back and shoulder injury. There's no one else I really want to win the title. I definitely don't want people like Sharapova, Williams, Mauresmo or Henin Hardenne to win it. But that's probably what will happen lol.
I still can't get over Hingis's loss, it's just really sad. She really wasn't there mentally last night. Which makes you wonder if she had something major going on in her personal life. Also the other thing that I think many people forgot is that she was playing her 2nd round match with no rest. Due to the rain delay.
Now I don't think that she was actually physically tired, but definitely mentally, which can also have an effect on the physical side of things. And I'm not trying to make that an excuse her loss, but I'm simply making an observation that it couldn't have been easy. I'm hoping that she'll take some positives out of this experience like her win in the first round and does better in the China Open coming up later this month.
I have no doubt that she'll regroup and start playing well again. And as disappointing and sad as the losses are I would be a lot more disappointed if she stopped playing altogether. Because she brings so much to the game of Tennis.