Saturday, September 23, 2006

Celebrity Duets: And then there were 3

Before I say anything about Lucy tonight I just have to say I was absolutely shocked that Jai got the boot!. He was one of the best singers and he deserved to be one of the final 3 not Hal. I don't know what the heck happened there I guess it's like many people have said Hal got a lot of pity votes.

Because they certainly weren't voting based on Thursdays singing if that was the case Jai would have stayed. I think even the judges were shocked. Except for Little Richard who actually wanted Hal to stay.

But on to the important stuff, Lucy is in the finale, yeah!. She deserves it especially after last nights performance. Although she didn't get as many votes as the previous week. I'm so glad she's still in it, now I have a reason to watch this thing to the very end lol. I wanna see Lucy get that money for her charity:D.

Oh, and I am so glad Cheech is finally out, about damn time!. So it is now between Lucy Hal and Alfonzo who I guess received the most amount of votes tonight. Next week should be very interesting, I can't wait to see what artists they have in store. I was also very happy to see Lucy so relaxed having fun and basically being herself. Loved it when she rubbed Wayne's head for luck lol. I love when she's being a goof lol.

Also loved what she was wearing tonight jeans and high heeled boots. It was another rocker chick outfit and it looked great. Lucy's daughter was in the audience again tonight, I'm still hoping to see Renee there next week. What? I can dream lol.


Jenn Z. said...

Yeah, its sad that Jai was voted off. But that's how these things work. The people with the talent get voted off... :(

Lurker said...

Sad but true.