Sunday, September 03, 2006

The dream ends for Andre Agassi at his last U.S. Open

Wow, even though I knew it was coming it was so hard to watch Andre in his last match. I got all choked up during his speech. You just get the feeling if it wasn't for his back this guy would keep on playing.

This was an amazing match nonetheless, even when I thought Andre was going to loose he still managed to get it to 4 sets. And even though he lost today, the first 2 matches he played at this years U.S. Open will no doubt go down into Tennis history as 2 of his best.

What an amazing career this guy has had, I have no doubt that he will continue to give to Tennis the way he has been for so many years. Through his Tennis academy and all the money he has raised. I wish him and his family all the best, and who knows? 20 years from now we may see his kids out on court.

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