That's right this year marks the 20th anniversary of Dirty Dancing. Man does that make me feel old! lol. Hard to believe it's been that long.
I still remember when I wasn't allowed to watch it because I was too young for such "racy" content. *chuckle*
Another anniversary means another theatre re-release and probably another special edition DVD (how many will that make 3? lol). Not that there's anything wrong with that;).
Yes I admit that back in the day when Jennifer Grey actually looked like Jennifer (prior to her nose job) and Patrick was a total hottie I couldn't get enough of this movie.
What am I saying? I still can't! lol. I'm pretty sure I've seen it close to a hundred times by now and can recite every line by heart. Who could forget such classics as "Nobody puts baby in a corner" and "I carried a watermelon". And let's not forget the dancing. Ah, the memories lol.
What can I say?, I'm an 80's fanatic. And well I guess the story of forbidden love and forbidden dance in the Catskills continues to satisfy the romantic in me.
With all that said I am off to dust off the old VHS tape and "Have the Time of My Life". :D The rest of you can enjoy this classic scene courtesy of YouTube:).
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