Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Another day

Well, today was a little better, I definitely wasn't as tired as I was on my first day on the job. Still getting a handle on the phone thing (and the sometimes not so pleasant customers). But not doing too badly after only 2 days of work and 3 years of being out of a school/work environment.

The afternoon hours are a little weird (from 1pm to 8pm) and I think will take some getting used to. I'm actually finding it much harder to get up at 10 or 11am rather then 7 or 8am. It's hard to get yourself going.

And it's hard to get yourself motivated and stay motivated on slow days like today, but I suppose I should really count that as a blessing. Since I'm sure that when March break rolls around people are going to be coming into the the Travel Agency left and right to book a trip.

So, I guess I really should enjoy the quiet while it lasts.

Well, I'm off to bed and another loong day of work. Is it the weekend yet? lol.

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