Here are some photos of Martina with her latest fling a fellow tennis player named Radek Stephanek in Prague. I wish her well but I really wonder how long this one is going to last.
This is boyfriend number...somebody please leave a comment and tell me the exact number.
Ok, ok I know that last line was brutal but please!. I mean I'm a huge fan of hers but, her love life does remind me of a roulette wheel.
In my personal opinion Martina can do better then this guy, but on the other hand personality is the key not looks.
With all that said I wish her great happiness and love in her personal life. And nothing but success professionally.
The above pictures can be found here: http://sport.blesk.cz/Clanek53807.htm
the link was originally found on the Martina Hingis Message board.
The link itself is to a Czech web page. But no worries even if you can't read Czech you can still look at the pretty pictures;).
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