Friday, March 09, 2007


Man, this has been one long week. I am so happy it's the weekend finally I can sleep in, watch the tube and relax. And of course catch up on some tennis news;) since I've been a little out of the loop lately.

Today was a moderately slow day, things picked up in late afternoon but really slowed down in the evening. So much so that I got to go home a half an hour early (yay!).

Well actually it didn't make that big of a difference because my bus still came at 8 so I was home at half past the hour. But hey early is early :).

I promise I'll start writing about something more exciting soon. For those of you who are perhaps getting tired of reading my daily work related rants. I think I'm getting bored of writing them myself lol.

There should be a lot more tennis related stuff coming up in the next few weeks or so especially since we're getting close to the second grand slam of the year Roland Garros.

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