No, you're not seeing things according to Hollywood Reporter sources FOX is giving the show a chance and renewing it for a 2nd season. Woo-freakin'-hoo!!.
If you've read my previous posts in regards to this fantastic show than you know I have become a real fan and therefore, I would have been extremely upset if it was cancelled prematurely without being given a real shot at survival.
Hopefully this renewal also means a full 22 episode season instead of a measly 9. But let's get back to FOX for a moment, I want to congratulate the FOX Network executives for finally getting something right. I was beginning to think they were incapable of such a thing, so it's nice to be proven wrong.
Also it looks like Terminator will be returning to a theatre near you for it's 4 installment in 2009. Sadly without the governor of California (Arnold Schwarzenegger). But I'm sure fans of the franchise will give it a go anyway.
For a full list of shows that are renewed, pending or on the bubble click here
Hmmm......ER is in the pending column (but so is Sarah Connor Chronicles and Bones, so here is hoping that's a good sign). And at least that's slightly better then being on the bubble.
Hopefully NBC will reveal more in that regard as we get closer to April 10th (when ER finally returns!). The month of April couldn't possibly get any better!.
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