It seems the technology gods have not been kind to me this year in fact they have been down right cruel.
First my dvd drive dies on me and two days ago my computer power supply quit (all is well now and hoping it stays that way).
To top it all off I lost my cable t.v. due to what turned out to be a faulty cable connection (a conclusion which took almost 24 hours).
Add the painting and remodeling of my bedroom and you have what I call a fun-filled weekend.
And unfortunately this week promises to be tough as well due to the 32 cm of snow we received over the past couple of days.
Travelling (to a job workshop I'm attending) will no doubt be a complete nightmare. You'll have to forgive the obvious bitchy tone of this blog.
What can I say?. Losing the computer and the cable in one weekend = one cranky geek.
Hopefully all the hardship will be worth it and I will finally have a paying job at the end of it. We'll see.
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