Ok, so we've now done painting 3 weekends in a row, and I'm about to go insane!.
I honestly can't understand (and neither does my mom) why my dad is insisting on doing this now instead of waiting a couple of months. It's not exactly paint friendly weather, in fact it's about as opposite as you can get.
That's not the part that's the most irritating though, it's turning the whole place up-side down during the process that really bites. And getting high on the paint fumes isn't exactly any fun either.
Just kidding on that last part.......well, ok not entirely lol, we do stay in the non-painted rooms while the walls dry.
But because paint fumes travel in the air you can't escape the smell entirely and end up a little light headed in the process. Even with the windows open.
Yep, that's painting in the winter for ya!. *sigh*
I am going to be locked out of my computer room tomorrow due to it being painted. Which is why I'm writing this after midnight, but I guess that's nothing new since that seems to be the time I am at my most creative.
I'm hoping to have the room back by Sunday, let me rephrase that I better get it back by then or I am not responsible for the withdrawal mood swings lol.
Next weekend is when the real fun starts. That is when my room will have it's turn to be 'refreshed'. Oh the chaos that will bring lol. Especially since it's the room with the most stuff in it.
It also means I'll be forced to sleep on the couch, which will no doubt make me appreciate my bed more then I already do lol.
It definitely promises to be one hell of a weekend, but at least we'll be done before Easter or at least that's the goal lol.
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