Saturday, March 11, 2006

What a Frustrating Day!

Any of you ever have one of those days where anything and anyone totally pisses you off? This is the type of day I had, filled with nothing but yelling and arguments. My nerves are completely on edge today and I'm just waiting for the parental units to go to sleep so I can have some peace.

Maybe that's why I have become such a night hawk, because it is the only time I can have total silence and time to myself. And I swear if I hear the phone ring one more time I'm going to throw it against the freakin' wall. And it looks like tomorrow is not gonna get any better, especially since I'll be forced into being a social butterfly. Oh, joy.

I don't usually get this dark but with the day I've had there was just no way I could be all happy and cheerful. I think that maybe the lack of sleep is making me cranky as well. Ok I think that's it for now. Felt good to get that off my chest. I'll be back tomorrow hopefully in a better mood. Although I highly doubt it lol.

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