Well, as promised I'm back with a real re-cap of this weeks
Dancing With the Stars.
Tonight the dance styles were as unfamiliar to the contestants as they were to the proffessional dancers. But of course because they're proffessionals you would never know it.
Kym & David Allen Grier started things off with their interpretation of the Lindy Hop. I thought it was really fun, but could have been a bit more energetic.
And though David did loose his rhythm half-way through (as Len pointed out). Overall it was a decent dance that earned him 22/30.
Derek & 'Lil Kim danced the Argentine Tango, and I gotta say I think I like it better then the regular one. Might have something to do with the few additional seductive leg moves. Derek remains the king of outstanding choreography.
His ability to learn new dances in a short span of time still amazes me. With a score of 27/30 'Lil Kim continues to be a real contender in the competition.
Julianne and Chuck though I thought he did a nice solid job on his Lindy Hop
it was another case where it could have been a lot better. It was really fun, and he showed more of his personality once again.
But to me he looked like he was holding back, I expected him to cut loose a lot more. It would have been the perfect time for him to get ahead of the pack, but the hesitation with his moves cost him. Wasted opportunity there. Still 22/30 isn't too bad.
Edyta & Lawrence hit the floor next with their Argentine Tango. Parts of it were very enjoyable but as Carrie Anne commented lacked chemistry.
And at times it looked very one sided with Lawrence walking (instead of gliding) around the floor and Edyta doing all the work. The final score of 19/30 is a fair reflection of his performance.
Chelsie & Ty Lindy Hopped their way to a 25/30. And to think this guy could barely even move in week one!. He continues to forge ahead as the most improved of all the competitors.
One of the things I love about this show is that you get to see people gain confidence and really persovere as the weeks go on. I think this guy has no where to go but up.
Tom Bergeron said it best tonight had Ty's wife
Jewel not pulled out he would have totally kicked her butt!.
Karina & Steve Wozniak my least favourite couple of the bunch (and I use the term loosely) danced the Tango . Ok, fine I give him slight (and I mean miniscule) credit for this one compared to the disaster that was last week.
Geeks may inherit the earth (as he so aptly put it), but they should definitely stay away from the dance floor!.
With a score of 12/30 the American audiance needs to do themselves a favor by getting a clue, and stop saving this guy from elimination.
Tony & Melissa I mentioned in a previous post this month that along with Mark and Shawn these two were my top fave contenders, and tonight they proved why.
Their Lindy Hop was chuck full of energy, fun and enthusiasm (something I thought had been lacking up to this point).
With a near perfect score of 29/30 (2nd only to Gill and Cheryl) these two are moving up!. I just wanna add how happy I am that Tony finally got a competent partner with whom he's got wonderful chemistry. About time!.
Demitri & Holly can't say I like these two, but I felt really sorry for her. No one ever wants to lose due to an injury.
Lacey & Steve-O I still feel real sympathy for this guy, and I want him to do well. But unfortunately his lack of practice due to his injuries really showed with his Lindy Hop attempt. The whole thing looked quite awkward and painful.
With a score of 15/30 he could be the one to go home. But at least he can take solace in the fact that he was leaps and bounds better then
Steve Wozniak. Personally I'm hoping Steve-O gets another shot.
Cheryl & Gill were next with their Argentine Tango. And what a Tango it was!. Deeply sensual and full of emotion. Best dance of the night!. Earning them the first perfect score of the season. Very impressive.
Mark & Shawn as soon as I heard that they were going to do the Lindy Hop I knew it would be perfect for them. Especially with both Shawn and Mark being so athletic. And I wasn't disappointed, unfortunately the judges didn't seem to agree.
I guess there was a little too much pizzaz in the form of flips and tricks. Which I thought worked quite well, and give it a little something extra. So I was disappointed with their final score of 25/30. But I'm confident America will wanna see more of Shawn and vote her through to next week.
With the double elimination tomorrow night this has got to be the week for Steve Wozniak to go, or I swear I will seriously throw something at my t.v.!.
Two others that could be in danger of heading home would be Lawrence and most obviously Holly.