pop culture, tennis, celebrities, music, news, geek related stuff and anything else I fancy
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Fox Fall T.V. Preview
Aside from the Sarah Connor Chronicles the preview also includes, House, Fringe and Prison Break.
Again for more interviews and spoilers go to the Sarah Connor Society.
My last bit of TTSCC news for the month of August, wow where did the time go?.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
TTSCC Season 1 DVD blooper reel
Looks like the cast has a lot of fun working together, I can only imagine what the bloopers will be like in S2.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Not As We....
Spat out on new terrain
Unsure, unconvincing
This faint and shaky hour
Day one, day one
Start all over again
Step one, step one
I'm barely making sense
For now I'm faking it
'Til I'm pseudo-making it
From scratch, begin again
But this time I as I
And not as we
Gun-shy and quivering
Timid without a hand
Feign brave with steel intent
Little and hardly here
Day one, day one
Start all over again
Step one, step one
With not much making sense
Just yet I'm faking it
'Til I'm pseudo-making it
From scratch, begin again
But this time I as I
And not as we
Eyes wet toward wide open fright,
If God is taking bets, I pray he wants to lose
Not As We~ Alanis Morisette from the album "Flavors of Entanglement"
It might be the current mood I'm in but I'm really identifying with this song at the moment. Actually I think this whole album is one of Alanis best pieces of work in years.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The day I've been dreading has arrived......
Where did the summer go?, seems like only yesterday we were picking them up at the airport.
My niece was clearly happy to be going home, understandably so since all her friends are in Poland. She was definitely not looking forward to school though, and I can't say I blame her.
My sister on the other hand really didn't want to go, whether it was the long journey itself or wanting to stay I'm not sure, maybe a bit of both.
Once again the ride to the airport was very quiet, I did most of the chatting to break everyone out of their thoughts.
When we got to baggage check-in we all knew goodbye was inevitable, so as we got to the gate we all hugged each other one last time.
I always find that last moment to be the hardest, it's so difficult to walk away when your heart is so heavy with the knowledge that it'll probably be a while before you see each other again.
This whole day has been very hectic and full of nervous energy with both of them packing, making sure they have everything in all the rush they always seem to forget something anyway. This time was no exception *lol*.
Thankfully it wasn't anything vital. The hustle and bustle of this afternoon was such a contrast to the quiet that awaited us when we got home.
I suspect it'll be a good couple of weeks before I get used to all the quiet and to being alone all day again. It is definitely gonna be weird.
At the time I write this they've barely been gone 2 hours, but I already miss them.
As we were leaving the parking lot en route to the airport, the parental units started to bicker as usual, I jokingly turned to my sister and told her "great now I'm going to be blamed for everything again".
And we had a good laugh, but I think we were both aware that I was only half kidding. I loved having the parental units attention diverted from me.
Now that they're gone it'll be same old same old with me at the centre again.
Oh well, c'est la vie I guess. Hopefully it won't be too long before we're all reunited again, maybe even as soon as next year *fingers crossed*.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Pink's still got it
Yep, nobody makes break-up songs or break-up videos more fun and catchy than Pink. With her trade mark cheeky sense of humor she sticks it to her ex, while at the same time showing the middle finger to the press by having him in the video. You go girl!!. :D.
This song is off of her new album entitled "Funhouse" coming out at the end of October, I'm putting this one on my must have list!.
ETA: Here's a high quality video from Yahoo.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Cockatiel confusion
Things like hanging from the cage upside-down and showing off the wings, being extremely social and friendly with all the women in the house, right down to the pronounced orange cheeks.
All those things have lead everyone in my family to believe he is a he, even the pet store owner assured me of that. Which is why he was given the male name of Cuba.
But today, he layed an egg, so once again we were completely mislead, the same thing happened when I got my first cockatiel about 9 years back.
So far it is only the one egg though so I'm not completely convinced is there such a thing as a male who lays eggs and displays bi-sexual tendencies or behaviours?.
Any help with clarification would be much appriciated, please feel free to send comments to allyfan29@yahoo.ca. Hopefully none of you think I'm completely crazy *lol*.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
"Bones" season 4 sneak-peek
Now that August is coming to an end, there are lots of t.v. sneak previews surfacing around the net.
Eonline has a great spoiler filled preview of FOX's Bones. They were even nice enough to include a decent sized clip from the premiere :-).
Saturday, August 23, 2008
TTSCC season 2 premiere sneak-peek
Also be sure to visit the Sarah Connor Society for more awesome interviews, this time with the supporting cast. Does it seem like I'm pimping this site?, I so totally am! *LOL*.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Are you ready to win?
Well I've been losing for so long
I can't begin
I'm a man on the moon
I'm a man on the edge
Well I'm the words you never knew were in your head
To be read
You can't help you're so insecure
Your hurt right down to the core
You're only stuck in your pain today
Welcome to Breaktown
For the first time
It's a great town
For your worst time
When you freak out
There's a road sign
Welcome to Breaktown
Are you ready to quit?
Are you ready to learn?
Are you ready to find the spark inside and let it burn?
I'm the walls that close in
I'm the words you won't say
I'm the voice you choose to keep inside
And lock away
You keep it all to yourself
You're just like everyone else
So take a good look around
now....Welcome to Breaktown
For the first time
It's a great town
For your worst time
When you freak out
There's a road sign
Welcome to Breaktown
When you're driving through
There's a room with a view
Just hang around
Welcome to Breaktown
For the first time
It's a great town
For your worst time
When you freak out
There's a road sign
Welcome to Breaktown
Breaktown ~ Hanson
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Meet the cast of season 13 of "The Amazing Race"
Well, it's certainly another eclectic group, with another team of blondes.
Can't wait to see if they live up to the old stereo type *snort*. So far only one blonde team has proven otherwise.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
TTSCC news and promos
Spoiler TV has very insightful interviews with the 3 main cast members, Lena Heady, Thomas Dekker and Summer Glau.
And if that's not enough there are more goodies courtesy of the Sarah Connor Society so be sure to check it out.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The Amazing Race season 13 cast announced
Another team competing is geeky best friends Mark Yturralde, 41, and Bill Hahler, 42. The Comic-Con treasurer and student aid administrator from San Diego have been pals for over 20 years and have auditioned for "The Amazing Race" since the long-running reality series' third season. The superhero and gaming aficionados said they left their toys at home during the race.
Read more....
Hmm... no real surprises on the casting front, but the countries they'll be travelling to are intriguing enough to tune in. Particularly Bolivia, Kazakhstan and Cambodia.
The new season of The Amazing Race starts September 28th on CBS.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Song of the moment: Madonna-Material Girl
Everytime I hear this song I can't help but think how reflective it is in terms of today's society.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
"Bones" S4 premiere promos
Ok, who else missed this duo as much as me?, seriously is it September yet?!.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Newest T:TSCC teaser trailer
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Dollhouse @ Comic-Con
Monday, August 11, 2008
Another day, another Sarah Connor Chronicles S2 promo
For more news on the second season checkout this Firefox artilce, and as always head on over to the Sarah Connor Society blog for more interviews with the cast and creator, along with some awesome new promotional pics.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Song of the moment: Sarah Mclachlan-Full of Grace
Possibly one of my all time favourite Sarah M. songs, appropriately set to images from Buffy where I was first introduced to it.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
TV Reminder: T: TSCC S1 Marathon on FOX
FOX is re-airing the entire first season of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles starting tomorrow.
From Mania.com:
Starting on Aug 10, Fox will be re-airing the entire first season of the Connor series leading up to the Season 2 premiere on Sept. 8, 2008 at 8:00-9:00 ET/PT. Here's the schedule:
Sunday, Aug. 10 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT)
In the series premiere, Sarah Connor struggles to keep her son John Connor safe from an enemy Terminator from the future and John makes a surprising discovery about his new friend Cameron.
Monday, Aug. 11 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT)
"Gnothi Seauton"
Sarah makes contact with an old friend to ask a favor, while John decides to pay a visit to Sarah's ex and Cameron makes a new friend. Together they infiltrate a resistance safe house and discover they are not alone.
Tuesday, Aug. 12 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT)
"The Turk"
Sarah pays a visit to Miles Dyson's widow looking for Skynet's creators. Her search leads her to Andy Goode, a cell phone salesman who also happens to also be the inventor of a chess playing computer known as "The Turk."
Wednesday, Aug. 13 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT)
"Heavy Metal"
When Sarah, Cameron and John track down stolen cargo, they become separated from John leading him to discover the future isn't as safe as he had hoped.
Sunday, Aug. 17 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT)
"Queen's Gambit"
When Sarah's friend submits his computer into a chess competition, she revaluates his computer's capabilities and worries where it could all lead. During the chess match, Sarah comes face-to-face with a stranger whose history is closely tied to hers.
Monday, Aug. 18 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT)
"Dungeons and Dragons"
While fighting for his life and moving in and out of consciousness, Derek Reese remembers life in the future and his personal battle against the machines.
Tuesday, Aug. 19 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT)
"The Demon Hand"
When Sarah breaks into Agent Ellison's apartment looking for a missing endo-arm, she discovers dossiers, files and video from her stay in the mental hospital. The files lead her to hospital psychiatrist Dr. Silberman, a doomsday convert who made Sarah's hospital stay unbearable.
Wednesday, Aug. 20 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT)
"Vick's Chip"
John defends Cameron against a damning accusation by Derek while Sarah gets too close to a Terminator.
Sunday, Aug. 24 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT)
"What He Beheld"
Sarah and Derek attempt a business transaction with a questionable man, while John and Cameron find themselves in a precarious situation during a school trip. Meanwhile, Agent Ellison discovers a nemesis at the agency.
I'm definitely tuning in!.
Friday, August 08, 2008
BTVS: The Animated Series that never was
I remember reading about the development of this series back when Buffy was still on the air (in it's last couple of seasons).
Too bad it didn't get picked up, 'cause it looks like it would have been filled with plenty of trade-mark Buffy humor.
Oh Scooby gang how I miss thee *sigh*.
Good thing Eliza Dushku is coming back in Dollhouse next year I need my weekly Jossverse fix.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Yet another T:TSCC season 2 promo
Cameron is looking a little worse for wear, but not as much as I thought she would after such a big explosion. Her skin regeneration ability must be really fast!.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
The women of T:TSCC
Promo once again courtesy of the Sarah Connor Society.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
New T:TSCC season 2 promos
Both vids are from the Sarah Connor Society Blog already linked on here.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Shirley Manson talks T:TSCC

New cast member Shirley Manson (from the band Garbage) spoke to theTVaddict about her role on FOX's Sarah Connor Chronicles.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Song of the moment: Pink-What's Up
I think I've mentioned once before that I'm generally not a big fan of covers, unless they're done really really well.
And although it is rare some covers are actually better then the originals. Such is the case with this Linda Perry tune, which you might say was a childhood staple of mine.
I have heard many different renditions of this song, but none have sounded as good as Pink's and it is by far my absolute favorite.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Song of the moment: Sarah Mclachlan-Ordinary Miracle
This song reminds me that we so often forget to appriciate the simple things in life.
Friday, August 01, 2008
T:TSCC Lena Heady, Thomas Dekker speak to T.V. Guide
Ok, I admit these aren't the most insightful questions ever asked, but I'm sure there'll be someone out there interested in the answers ;-).