Can I just say, how happy I am that the Space Channel is running BSG congruently with the SCI-FI Channel. Finally there's something to watch on a Friday!. In fact the show has become part of my Friday night ritual, just in time for it end *sigh*.
As per my usual luck when it comes to awesome t.v. shows. But enough about that, let's talk about this weeks ep shall we. For those who have not seen it,
this will contain spoilers so you were warned.
- Callie finding out the truth about the four cylons on Galactica and getting thrown out the air lock by Tory, HOLY FRAK! that was a total shocker (the benefits of being spoiler free). I honestly thought she was going to throw Tyrol's baby out into space, nice bit of dramatization there. Kudos to the writing team once again.
- The cylons are now experiencing division among their ranks, with the six's demand to unbox all 12 models including #3 (yay!). Btw. how great was last week's scene with the toasters shooting the cylons per six's request?.
- The Cavil's are in cahoots with the Sharon's no real surprise there, it should however lead to some interesting developments
- And I guess it will be Brother Cavil who unboxes D'Anna (hopefully next week) seeing as he was standing by the resurrection pod (or whatever it's called) with his hand in the goo.
- More tension between Lee Adama and President Roslin, looks like he's gonna be testing her at every turn, being a truth seeker and all. I have no doubt that he will find out Admirals Adama's and Roslin's secret (sending Kara to find earth). It's just a question of how he'll handle it without causing chaos.
Even though this ep answered some of the questions raised since the premiere of S4, there are still so many that remain. Like, how does Sharon's baby Hera and Chief Tyrol's baby fit into the overall scheme of things?.
And what does having two cylon babies mean in terms of the Cylons beliefs?.
How will the rest of the crew react once they find out there have been 4 cylons among them the entire time?. Will having close friends as cylons change some of the main characters views on the cylon race?, or will they just lock them up and continue on as usual?.
Will they ever reveal what D'Anna saw at the end of S3 and what will her role be in the whole cylon mystery?.
Will she also have some knowledge on the way to earth?. Let's not forget Gauis how does he fit into everything?.
And last but not least the most important one of all, who the frak is the 5th and final cylon already?!.
Unfortunately for dramatic effect I think the writers will torture us for a few more eps with the answer to the last one, hopefully not until the very end, or the BSG fans will go crazy lol.
Especially since the show will be taking another (what I assume to be) long break once half the season is aired.
There are a lot of theories as to who the final cylon is, supposedly it's not any of the main characters according to Ron Moore.
But, I don't quite believe him, I think he's purposely misleading the fans only to blind-side them and make it all the more shocking in the end.
In fact I'm starting to think it might be Callie (although I guess that wouldn't really be a shocker). If she suddenly comes back on board we'll know for sure.
It could also be Tom Zarek, but again not sure about the shock factor on that one either.
Of course the other big question is whether Starbuck will find the way to earth, I think she will but I wouldn't be surprised if there is some sort of twist to that as well. The show is full of them it's a big part of why I love it.
Also anyone else excited about the BSG prequel "Caprica"?. I'm already clearing my schedule for it.
But I'll shut up now, what about the rest of you (BSG fans) out there, what are some of your theories on the matter of the final cylon? or any of the questions posed above?.