Yep, first The Simpson's, now The Smurfs. As an 80's fanatic I was ecstatic about this news. 'Cause if there was ever one cartoon I never got sick of as a child that would be The Smurfs.
Lots of happy childhood memories associated with this one. I don't plan on going to see The Simpson's, but I'll definitely check out The Smurfs. Although there's no word yet on when exactly it'll be out.
The cool thing about this is The Smurfs themselves will be computer generated in 3-D, very much in the style of Shrek I'm sure. I was also very happy to find out it will be a trilogy.
Where we'll find out more about the characters themselves. I particularly like the part about Gargamel's backstory. That definitely has my attention. I'll be waiting in anticipation for this one!.
Here is an article with more details on the subject:
pop culture, tennis, celebrities, music, news, geek related stuff and anything else I fancy
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Frustrations abound
I'm going to be doing some job hunting in the next couple of days, probably for the rest of this week. The rents are getting really sick of me sitting at home and not doing much. Plus I have some student loans looming over my head so I have no choice.
I have no idea what I'm going for, basically going in totally blind. Hoping to get some help from people who specialize in pointing others in a certain direction. It's what happens when you take a 2 year course in College and then realize that's not what you really wanna do or exactly which direction to go in.
Mostly I'll be doing a lot of phoning and getting up early, oh joy. Anyhoo, I guess we'll see how things work out. Hell at this rate I don't expect to get anything till January. But gotta please the parental units and at least pretend like I care so they get off my back.
Boy, this has turned into one cheerful post huh? lol. At least it's making me feel better getting things off my chest. Did I mention how much I dislike this time of year by the way?. I do. I'm the total opposite of what I should be at this time.
But I guess it's because I don't enjoy Christmas the same way that I used to when I was a kid. It's not fun anymore, to me Christmas is forced family togetherness and obligatory phone calls. Anyway that's it for my rant I didn't even realize I had this much to say when I started lol.
I have no idea what I'm going for, basically going in totally blind. Hoping to get some help from people who specialize in pointing others in a certain direction. It's what happens when you take a 2 year course in College and then realize that's not what you really wanna do or exactly which direction to go in.
Mostly I'll be doing a lot of phoning and getting up early, oh joy. Anyhoo, I guess we'll see how things work out. Hell at this rate I don't expect to get anything till January. But gotta please the parental units and at least pretend like I care so they get off my back.
Boy, this has turned into one cheerful post huh? lol. At least it's making me feel better getting things off my chest. Did I mention how much I dislike this time of year by the way?. I do. I'm the total opposite of what I should be at this time.
But I guess it's because I don't enjoy Christmas the same way that I used to when I was a kid. It's not fun anymore, to me Christmas is forced family togetherness and obligatory phone calls. Anyway that's it for my rant I didn't even realize I had this much to say when I started lol.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Top Ten Worst Picked URL's
Haven't had anything humorous on my blog for a while. I find these hilariously amusing so I decided to share.
Clik here for the worst picked URL's
Clik here for the worst picked URL's
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Kelly/Clay controversy continued
In yesterday's post I mentioned that Kelly was ranting about Clay to Regis when he returned to his hosting duties. She called Clay unprofessional and rude. Well what do you call this:
"I missed the heck out of you on Friday". Gee Kelly, tell us how you really feel. I guess her meaning and my meaning of "unprofessional" differ but in my view that's exactly what she's doing in the above video.
Whining and moaning about your guest co-host the next week to your regular co-host is unprofessional. I think Kelly needs to go and look up the meaning of the word. She might as well look up "hypocrite" while she's at it.
Let's see didn't she say in her phone call to Rosie on The View that she would never cover some one's mouth with her hand?.
Hypocrisy at it's best.
And I don't think she should ever try the germ excuse again either because she has her hands all over Regis on a daily basis. Just like in the above video. Which btw. is genius! lol. There I have said my peace on the Clay/Kelly controversy.
Now I'm finished (at least until the next one! lol).
And just for the hell of it here is Clay sticking it to Ms. Ripa at the American Music Awards on Tuesday with Tori Spelling.
"I missed the heck out of you on Friday". Gee Kelly, tell us how you really feel. I guess her meaning and my meaning of "unprofessional" differ but in my view that's exactly what she's doing in the above video.
Whining and moaning about your guest co-host the next week to your regular co-host is unprofessional. I think Kelly needs to go and look up the meaning of the word. She might as well look up "hypocrite" while she's at it.
Let's see didn't she say in her phone call to Rosie on The View that she would never cover some one's mouth with her hand?.
Hypocrisy at it's best.
And I don't think she should ever try the germ excuse again either because she has her hands all over Regis on a daily basis. Just like in the above video. Which btw. is genius! lol. There I have said my peace on the Clay/Kelly controversy.
Now I'm finished (at least until the next one! lol).
And just for the hell of it here is Clay sticking it to Ms. Ripa at the American Music Awards on Tuesday with Tori Spelling.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Ripa vs. Rosie
Well I knew a Rosie O'Donnell/Kelly Ripa clash might happen some day but I didn't expect former American Idol contestant Clay Aiken to factor in the equation too lol. Before I confuse you any further let me explain the whole situation. Ok so last week (Friday) on Live Kelly was co-hosting with Clay Aiken who was of course filling in for Regis.
During the interview Clay covered Kelly's mouth with his hand (because she would not let him get a word in). Of course Kelly did not approve and told him it was a "no no" followed by "I don't know where that hand has been honey". Rosie (being the queen of tv that she is) of course commented on the fiasco on "The View" the following Tuesday.
Now you're thinking what's wrong with that? well nothing would have been if it wasn't for the fact that Rosie called Kelly's remarks homophobic. Which of course prompted Kelly to call the show (on the same day because she happened to be watching). And ripped into Rosie, who defended herself by saying she was on a show where you express your opinions and that's all she was doing.
Personally I don't think it was meant to be homophobic in any way and Rosie was just grasping for straws, and unintentionally outed Clay Aiken in the process. I don't think he'll be showing up on The View any time soon lol.
So maybe Clay shouldn't have put his hand on Kelly's mouth but I have to admit I can't help but enjoy that lol. Hell, that's the only way to shut her up the woman has s gigantic ego. And calling Clay disrespectful is like the pot calling the kettle black, seeing as she would not let him get a word in during the interview even though he was her co-host. The poor guy did the only thing he could.
I've read that some people think it was sexist of Clay that he would never do that if he was co-hosting with a man. To those people I say, seriously? have you watched Live at all?. I repeat Kelly does not shut up! even Regis himself has a hard time getting a word in. Hell he was on Clay's side the next day saying Kelly overreacted (in a much nicer way of course).
Clay got his last word in though, during tonight's American Music Awards where he presented with Tori Spelling. Who in the middle of his speech put her hand over his mouth lol. Take that Kelly Ripa! lol. Stop being a diva and let others talk once in a while. Oh, and get a sense of humor while you're at it.
To see exactly how it all went down check out these YouTube videos;).
The thing that started it all
Rosie's comment on The View
Ripa's response to Rosie
During the interview Clay covered Kelly's mouth with his hand (because she would not let him get a word in). Of course Kelly did not approve and told him it was a "no no" followed by "I don't know where that hand has been honey". Rosie (being the queen of tv that she is) of course commented on the fiasco on "The View" the following Tuesday.
Now you're thinking what's wrong with that? well nothing would have been if it wasn't for the fact that Rosie called Kelly's remarks homophobic. Which of course prompted Kelly to call the show (on the same day because she happened to be watching). And ripped into Rosie, who defended herself by saying she was on a show where you express your opinions and that's all she was doing.
Personally I don't think it was meant to be homophobic in any way and Rosie was just grasping for straws, and unintentionally outed Clay Aiken in the process. I don't think he'll be showing up on The View any time soon lol.
So maybe Clay shouldn't have put his hand on Kelly's mouth but I have to admit I can't help but enjoy that lol. Hell, that's the only way to shut her up the woman has s gigantic ego. And calling Clay disrespectful is like the pot calling the kettle black, seeing as she would not let him get a word in during the interview even though he was her co-host. The poor guy did the only thing he could.
I've read that some people think it was sexist of Clay that he would never do that if he was co-hosting with a man. To those people I say, seriously? have you watched Live at all?. I repeat Kelly does not shut up! even Regis himself has a hard time getting a word in. Hell he was on Clay's side the next day saying Kelly overreacted (in a much nicer way of course).
Clay got his last word in though, during tonight's American Music Awards where he presented with Tori Spelling. Who in the middle of his speech put her hand over his mouth lol. Take that Kelly Ripa! lol. Stop being a diva and let others talk once in a while. Oh, and get a sense of humor while you're at it.
To see exactly how it all went down check out these YouTube videos;).
The thing that started it all
Rosie's comment on The View
Ripa's response to Rosie
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
New releases this week

In the music world there's American Idol contestant Chris Daughtry's debut album. I took a listen to it on AOL and I thought it sounded great. A lot of people are saying he sounds like Chad from Nickelback. I think there might be a slight resemblance but he definitely has his own style and some good old fashioned rock tunes.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Martina Hingis at James Bond Premiere in Zurich

Martina Hingis with her main man Radek Stepanek at the James Bond Casino Royale Premiere in Zurich
Nice to see her enjoying her time off and hey, who knew Martina was a James Bond fan?. She does like fast cars so maybe that's part of the appeal along with the from
I have to say Radek looks a lot better when he cleans up. Well ok still not really a knock-out but then who the heck is next to someone like Martina? lol.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Martina Hingis admits to an iron deficiency
Here is a bit of interesting news earlier this month Martina Hingis discovered that she had an iron deficiency. When I first read about it I didn't think it was true.
After some digging however I was able to confirm it. According to this blog Martina is now on a supplement program that she hopes will help her improve things for next year.
I have to say it certainly makes a lot of sense. It would explain her fatigue and her constant mental lapses during the second half of this year.
Discovering this problem and working on fixing it will no doubt be absolutely beneficial for her game. I'm certain that as a result 2007 will be even more exciting then her come back year and I'm really looking forward to it.
Her next tournament is the Australian Golf Coast on Dec. 31st. If her results from this year are any indication she's going to do extremely well and totally annihilate her opponents;).
After some digging however I was able to confirm it. According to this blog Martina is now on a supplement program that she hopes will help her improve things for next year.
I have to say it certainly makes a lot of sense. It would explain her fatigue and her constant mental lapses during the second half of this year.
Discovering this problem and working on fixing it will no doubt be absolutely beneficial for her game. I'm certain that as a result 2007 will be even more exciting then her come back year and I'm really looking forward to it.
Her next tournament is the Australian Golf Coast on Dec. 31st. If her results from this year are any indication she's going to do extremely well and totally annihilate her opponents;).
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
More random pics:)
Ok, well maybe not so random these are also from the Madrid Championships. It's a photo shoot with all top 8 players that participated in the tournament. It's always weird looking at all of them in regular clothes I'm so used to seeing them in sportswear lol.
Oh and looks like Svetlana and Justine shop at the same place because they're both wearing the same pair of pants and shoes! lol. Also I have to commend Kim Clijsters on her choice of fashion almost as good as Martina's;). And I don't know why but I find it really interesting that Martina and Maria are both wearing leather jackets.
Martina being her natural self and Maria looking like she doesn't want to be there lol.
This photo cracks me up probably because I'm betting that's exactly how Maria is in real life stiff and emotionless lol.
From top left: Svetlana Kuznetsova, Amelie Mauresmo, Justine-Henin-Hardenne, Maria Sharapova, Martina Hingis, Kim Clijsters, Nadia Petrova and Elena Dementieva

All pics from
Oh and looks like Svetlana and Justine shop at the same place because they're both wearing the same pair of pants and shoes! lol. Also I have to commend Kim Clijsters on her choice of fashion almost as good as Martina's;). And I don't know why but I find it really interesting that Martina and Maria are both wearing leather jackets.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Random Hingis photos

These are just some random pics from Madrid all from
Long drought
Well, ok not really but it's been a few days since I've updated. Didn't really have a lot of time last week. Anyway I'll start off with some Tennis news as usual lol.
The Swiss Miss Martina Hingis did not make it into the semi's at Madrid:(, because unfortunately Justine Henin lost against Amelie Mauresmo. So Martina ended up 3rd in the round robin instead of 2nd loosing her chance to get into the semi's.
But she certainly made the best of it and played some marvellous Tennis. She ended this tournament the way she started back in January of this year with a very impressive performance.
The matches in Madrid also demonstrated something that has been missing since she returned from retirement. A fighting spirit. There were traces of the old and the new and improved Martina. You could really tell she was giving it her all. It was wonderful to see.
Hopefully she'll carry that same spirit and drive into her matches next year. Personally I can't wait! I know I've said this before but it's good to have her back on tour.
The Swiss Miss Martina Hingis did not make it into the semi's at Madrid:(, because unfortunately Justine Henin lost against Amelie Mauresmo. So Martina ended up 3rd in the round robin instead of 2nd loosing her chance to get into the semi's.
But she certainly made the best of it and played some marvellous Tennis. She ended this tournament the way she started back in January of this year with a very impressive performance.
The matches in Madrid also demonstrated something that has been missing since she returned from retirement. A fighting spirit. There were traces of the old and the new and improved Martina. You could really tell she was giving it her all. It was wonderful to see.
Hopefully she'll carry that same spirit and drive into her matches next year. Personally I can't wait! I know I've said this before but it's good to have her back on tour.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
"The Sarah Connor Chronicles" Terminator as a tv series?
Forgot to mention this earlier in the week. The Fox tv network is working on developing a tv series based on The Terminator movies tentatively called "The Sarah Connor Chronicles".
The series will supposedly explore what happened to Sarah Connor at the end of T2:Judgement Day. It is being produced by the same guy who did Terminator 3.
Word is that while he's working on this tv series he's also working on Terminator 4. Who knows? The Terminator had a lot of great concepts so if done right it could be an interesting series.
Click here to find out more details.
The series will supposedly explore what happened to Sarah Connor at the end of T2:Judgement Day. It is being produced by the same guy who did Terminator 3.
Word is that while he's working on this tv series he's also working on Terminator 4. Who knows? The Terminator had a lot of great concepts so if done right it could be an interesting series.
Click here to find out more details.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Hingis vs Petrova Madrid pics

Here are some pics from Wednesday's match with Nadia Petrova. Possibly some of the best victory pics in a while:). As always pics are from
Hingis beats Petrova in 3 sets in Madrid!
Well Martina may have lost against Justine-Henin but that was not the case with Petrova. This was such an enjoyable match, haven't seen one this entertaining from Hingis in a while. Hingis won it in a wonderful 3 setter.
Felt like I was watching the Hingis of old again with some great lobs, drop shots and cross-courts. And a spectacular rally in the second game. Every time I forget what a great retriever she is she reminds me with a spectacular rally. It is a joy to watch.
I have to say Nadia really wasn't in her best form she made an enormous amount of unforced errors (41 total) and seemed very agitated which of course Hingis took advantage of and went up 4/0. Before Nadia finally got herself together and got 2 games back.
Then Hingis broke Petrova again to go up 5/2 after which she lost her serve allowing Nadia to get 2 more games back before finally closing the set out on the 3rd match point with the result of 6/4. In general Petrova was very sloppy all through out the first set.
In the second set she picked it up a bit, but there was still a sea-saw effect going on. Both players held serve twice for 2/all, than Hingis broke to go up 3/2. Followed by Petrova who broke right back and held serve to go up 4/3 and broke Hingis to go up 5/3. Then Nadia again held serve and took the second set 6/3.
The 3rd set is when things really got going with both players serving and returning well. Hingis started off with a bang and a great opening game. Petrova held for 1/all. Then both players broke for 2/all and really picked up their games.
Martina's service percentage really went up in the 3rd set and she won it to go up 3/2, broke Petrova and was up 4/2. She won her serve again to go up 5/2. Petrova managed to get one game back on her serve. Hingis had to fight for match point it went to deuce but she finally closed it out on the 2nd match point.
It was interesting to watch Nadia Petrova as she first came out on court in the beginning very confident off her win with Mauresmo the previous day but she got gradually more frustrated when she realized Hingis wasn't going to be so easy. And of course by letting the frustration get to her she lost.
But what a huge win this was for Hingis not just because she'll have a chance at the semi's (if Mauresmo loses to Henin today). But because I think it'll be a great confidence booster for her to finally win a 3 setter. I think it's been a while since she's done that. Unfortunately she lost yesterday's match with Mauresmo. I'm a little late in reporting I know. But she once again managed to get that one into 3 sets.
I was not surprised at the loss. She had to be exhausted after playing 3 sets in 3 days straight. No matter how fit you are that will certainly take it's tall on you. And I'm certain that in the 3rd set she simply run out of gus. But again if Henin wins tomorrow Hingis will have a chance at the semi's, fingers crossed.
Felt like I was watching the Hingis of old again with some great lobs, drop shots and cross-courts. And a spectacular rally in the second game. Every time I forget what a great retriever she is she reminds me with a spectacular rally. It is a joy to watch.
I have to say Nadia really wasn't in her best form she made an enormous amount of unforced errors (41 total) and seemed very agitated which of course Hingis took advantage of and went up 4/0. Before Nadia finally got herself together and got 2 games back.
Then Hingis broke Petrova again to go up 5/2 after which she lost her serve allowing Nadia to get 2 more games back before finally closing the set out on the 3rd match point with the result of 6/4. In general Petrova was very sloppy all through out the first set.
In the second set she picked it up a bit, but there was still a sea-saw effect going on. Both players held serve twice for 2/all, than Hingis broke to go up 3/2. Followed by Petrova who broke right back and held serve to go up 4/3 and broke Hingis to go up 5/3. Then Nadia again held serve and took the second set 6/3.
The 3rd set is when things really got going with both players serving and returning well. Hingis started off with a bang and a great opening game. Petrova held for 1/all. Then both players broke for 2/all and really picked up their games.
Martina's service percentage really went up in the 3rd set and she won it to go up 3/2, broke Petrova and was up 4/2. She won her serve again to go up 5/2. Petrova managed to get one game back on her serve. Hingis had to fight for match point it went to deuce but she finally closed it out on the 2nd match point.
It was interesting to watch Nadia Petrova as she first came out on court in the beginning very confident off her win with Mauresmo the previous day but she got gradually more frustrated when she realized Hingis wasn't going to be so easy. And of course by letting the frustration get to her she lost.
But what a huge win this was for Hingis not just because she'll have a chance at the semi's (if Mauresmo loses to Henin today). But because I think it'll be a great confidence booster for her to finally win a 3 setter. I think it's been a while since she's done that. Unfortunately she lost yesterday's match with Mauresmo. I'm a little late in reporting I know. But she once again managed to get that one into 3 sets.
I was not surprised at the loss. She had to be exhausted after playing 3 sets in 3 days straight. No matter how fit you are that will certainly take it's tall on you. And I'm certain that in the 3rd set she simply run out of gus. But again if Henin wins tomorrow Hingis will have a chance at the semi's, fingers crossed.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Hingis 1st match Madrid pics
Martina loses to Justine-Henin in opening match of Madrid
Once again I was not able to watch the match (I hate the fact that they showed the men's Madrid matches but not the women's). I was forced to follow the match on the Sony Ericsson scoreboard. The match started out well with both of them holding their serve but in the third game Justine broke Martina and surged ahead to a 5/1 lead. Martina was able to get one game back before Justine closed the set out at 6/2 .
In the second it was the same scenario with Justine leading 5/2 but Martina fought back and brought the set into a tie break winning it 7/6. In the 3rd set she was completely dominated by Justine who won it 6/1. But for those who have been complaining that Hingis should have done better I think this is a huge accomplishment she was actually able to take a set from Justine. Which hasn't happened in any of their previous meetings this year. So a huge improvement in my opinion, and she did fight really hard in the 2nd set.
I actually didn't know that you can continue to play after loosing in Madrid, I usually only follow the grand slams so I had no idea how this tournament worked. After doing some research I found out that Madrid works on a round robin effect. Meaning the top eight singles players are divided into two teams of four. The two groups play in a round robin format, each player meets one another in their group.
The best two performed players of each group go on to the final phase that takes place during the weekend. In the semi-finals the first-placed woman from one group meets with the second-placed woman from the other, with the winners advancing to the final. So, today Hingis will play Nadia Petrova could be another tough one since Petrova is having a really good year.
In the second it was the same scenario with Justine leading 5/2 but Martina fought back and brought the set into a tie break winning it 7/6. In the 3rd set she was completely dominated by Justine who won it 6/1. But for those who have been complaining that Hingis should have done better I think this is a huge accomplishment she was actually able to take a set from Justine. Which hasn't happened in any of their previous meetings this year. So a huge improvement in my opinion, and she did fight really hard in the 2nd set.
I actually didn't know that you can continue to play after loosing in Madrid, I usually only follow the grand slams so I had no idea how this tournament worked. After doing some research I found out that Madrid works on a round robin effect. Meaning the top eight singles players are divided into two teams of four. The two groups play in a round robin format, each player meets one another in their group.
The best two performed players of each group go on to the final phase that takes place during the weekend. In the semi-finals the first-placed woman from one group meets with the second-placed woman from the other, with the winners advancing to the final. So, today Hingis will play Nadia Petrova could be another tough one since Petrova is having a really good year.
Planet Pluto parody
This one is a cute little parody about the former planet Pluto and it's loss of planetary status and demotion to "dwarf planet" which I've talked about earlier in the year. It's a fun video so I once again decided to share:). And just to make things clear it is not made by me;).
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
What's good in dvds and music this week

Starting with some 90's nostalgia, yes I'm talking about 90210. The first season is out on DVD today. I'm actually really surprised it took them so long.
And yes, I will admit this right off the bat I was a 90210 fan back in the day. It was a guilty pleasure. Watched the darn thing for all 10 seasons lol.

Monday, November 06, 2006
And on a totally unrelated note...
Here is a little something Tennis related since I haven't had that for a while. Found this great blog on Nadia Petrova that details all the draws for the WTA season ending tournament. Includes info on rankings and head to heads for all top 8 players. Check it out here.
Yet another YouTube video
Here is another amusing YouTube video, this one is a bit political but only meant in good fun.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Hanson to release "Strong Enough to Break" Documentary on DVD
Well they've been saying that for a while but it looks like it might finally happen. It's supose to be realesed in the next couple of months, just in time for Christmas perhaps? that would be nice. I'm kind of sick of watching the 8 minute preview, it'll be nice to finally see the whole thing lol.
Read related article
They've actually been keeping busy along with this DVD they're also finishing work on their next album "The Walk" slated for release in early 2007 (yay!). Recently they also recorded 2 special tracks one for the Van Wilder 2 movie soundtrack called "The Ugly Truth".
And the other is a song they did for World Aids Day recoded while they were visiting South Africa in July with an African children's choir called "Great Divide". The track will be available exclusively on the Internet December 1st (I'm guessing itunes).
So lots of good stuff to come, I'm excited:).
Read related article
They've actually been keeping busy along with this DVD they're also finishing work on their next album "The Walk" slated for release in early 2007 (yay!). Recently they also recorded 2 special tracks one for the Van Wilder 2 movie soundtrack called "The Ugly Truth".
And the other is a song they did for World Aids Day recoded while they were visiting South Africa in July with an African children's choir called "Great Divide". The track will be available exclusively on the Internet December 1st (I'm guessing itunes).
So lots of good stuff to come, I'm excited:).
Saturday, November 04, 2006
More YouTube goodness:)
Here is another great YouTube video that I found last week, I have nothing to say about it because it's pretty much self explanatory. Well, ok I'll say one thing pay attention to the positioning of the snake;) lol.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Bob Barker to retire in 2007
Hard to believe but yep the man who reminds you to "have your pets spaid or neutered" on "The Price is Right" is finally retiring in June. Now this is not meant to be mean or anything but I'm really surprised he didn't do it sooner.
I was always afraid one of those over exuberant contestants would bowl him over and cause serious injury. Especially as he got older. But boy, what an amazing career to have 50 years of t.v. 35 with "Price is Right". I'll say one thing CBS is going to have a hell of a time finding a replacement.
Check out the full story in this article.
I was always afraid one of those over exuberant contestants would bowl him over and cause serious injury. Especially as he got older. But boy, what an amazing career to have 50 years of t.v. 35 with "Price is Right". I'll say one thing CBS is going to have a hell of a time finding a replacement.
Check out the full story in this article.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
White stuff again
Coming down in droves, but it looks like the non-stick variety due to the size of the snowflakes. I know it's November and it's to be expected but I want it to stay away as long as possible lol.
Tomb Runner Lara Croft
Since I am completely addicted to YouTube lol, and spend an obscene amount of time on it every day. I thought I would start sharing some of the videos that have become my faves.
The first one is sort of a hilarious and inventive (2 minute) critique of the controls for the new Lara Croft Tomb Raider game. It's done by an 18 year old British girl named Kate and it absolutely cracked me up when I saw it. It was actually one of YouTube's "most viewed" videos on Oct. 27th.
So I've decided to share it here for those who haven't seen it, enjoy;). If you are wondering about the title of this blog, you'll get what I mean when you see the video;).
The first one is sort of a hilarious and inventive (2 minute) critique of the controls for the new Lara Croft Tomb Raider game. It's done by an 18 year old British girl named Kate and it absolutely cracked me up when I saw it. It was actually one of YouTube's "most viewed" videos on Oct. 27th.
So I've decided to share it here for those who haven't seen it, enjoy;). If you are wondering about the title of this blog, you'll get what I mean when you see the video;).
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Celebrity news

Well, I haven't done any celebrity news for a while so to change things up a bit that's going to be tonight's update. I was actually really shocked when I heard about this a couple of days ago. The news is that Ryan Phillipe and wife Reese Witherspoon are splitting up (separating) after 7 years of marriage.
Didn't see this one coming, I've always thought if there was one Hollywood couple that would make it those 2 would have been it. Now I'm not a huge fan of Reese but there are a couple of movies of hers that I've liked "Legally Blonde" for one. You gotta feel sorry for their 2 kids. Who knows? maybe they'll reconcile one day they've always been the only sensible couple in Hollywood IMO.
And on a completely unrelated note and under the "who really gives a shit?" category lol. Tom and Katie (the couple I loathe with a fiery passion) have finally set a wedding date, November 18th. To which I say.... thank god!. Maybe now we won't have to hear about them for a while (yeah I know not happening, but I can dream lol.)
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