Over the past couple of weeks we have had an obscene amount of phone-calls. Which is not unusual for this time of year, but it's no less irritating.
I honestly thought of unplugging my phone and leaving it off at least till the end of the holiday season.
Well, ok the thought of throwing the phone against the wall crossed my mind more then once too lol.
But miraculously I was somehow able to curb that impulse and all my phones are still intact. Now don't get me wrong, I completely understand all those charities and telemarketers, it is their job and that's how they make their money.
Which is why I always try to treat them with the same respect I would want to be treated. But after the 5th or 6th call in a given day even the most patient person can only take so much!.
Now of course you're thinking, why the heck are you picking those up, that's what answering machines are for, right?.
Well unfortunately (thanks to the advancements in communication technology many of them will call back using a different number).
Thereby suckering you into thinking they're a different person. In my case many of those are also very similar to international numbers, and since almost all of my family live over seas we have no choice but to pick up.
I'm sure some of you are also thinking, ok so the ringing of the phone can be irritating, but that's why they invented the volume button.
And you'd also be right but it's not just the ringing of the phone that pisses me off, it's the pushy sales methods of the person on the other end.
It's no wonder some people loose all decorum with these guys, when you have to say "I'm not interested" 10 times and they're still not getting the message, there really is no choice but to either start yelling or hang up.
Anyway, that fills my rant quota for this year, I better end this before it turns into a novel LOL.
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