So, let's see what can I tell you, well Cuba is still acting like the king of the castle, especially when it comes to a particular dvd shelf on my desk. He will spend endless hours sitting on top napping and prining.
Actually his favourite place to nap is on the head of one of my beanie babies LOL, right next to the speaker.

I've discovered he loves to groove to certain types of music, so far it's Kelly Clarkson, Celine Dion and James Blunt. Sometimes he'll put his little head right next to the speaker ( yep he's got the adorable thing down pat).
As for his behavior with humans well, he still won't let me pet him much, but I've made huge progress in the trust department and can finally get him to step on to my hand and take him out of the cage without too much hastle.
Every once in a while he can be a sweet little charmer towards me, I've managed to capture some pics as proof so enjoy;).

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