Saturday, November 03, 2007

Hingis retires once more:(

Well, I can't say I was shocked when I heard Martina Hingis is hanging up her racket for the second time in her career. I knew this day would come again I just didn't think it would be so soon.

The drug allegations however definitely give me a pause, and for the record no I do not believe they're true. She's always been too respectable a player, and worked too hard to end her career in such a way. I believe in her innocence and I honestly think someone is trying to set her up.

Hell, Hingis didn't even have to leak any of this information to the press on the same day in the first place, but felt she had to to prove her innocence.

Having read several articles with statements from Hingis I really can't say I blame her for wanting to retire ( her physical ailments aside), who wants to deal with drug allegations under constants scrutiny of the press every single day for what I would guess at this point could be years.

As she states in one of the articles it's not exactly a great motivational factor. This is a very sad day for tennis the sport is once again loosing one of it's greatest competitors. The brilliance Hingis displayed on court is unmatched and will no doubt be missed by her fans and by everyone at the WTA.

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