What? you didn't seriously think I divide my posts into parts for no reason at all did you?. Well I guess some people do, but I'm not one of them:P.
Nope, this is a continuation of my Hanson rant lol. Now that I have the album I feel the need to describe how I feel about it through a more detailed review of each song (including my favourite lyrics). So here we go:
Great Divide
The album starts off with the African children's choir chanting "Ngi Ne Themba" ("I have hope" in their native language). It leads right into the first few bars of electric guitar, with a steady beat of snare, and a melody that grabs you right up to the very end. This song may just be Hanson's best, musically, lyrically and spiritually. A fine piece of work.
With words like:
" The earth is shaking under siege And every breath will meet its fate
Still we hunger for a moment of freedom. Even though the hour is late, I find hope and it gives me rest, I find hope in a beating chest, I find hope in what I don't see, I find hope in your hate for me, have no fear when the waters rise, we can conquer this great divide."
It's hard not to pay attention.
Been There Before
This is one of 2 songs that has been in the works for years, and I for one am so glad it made it on this album because it is one of my absolute favourites. Here the children's gospel choir once again perfectly complements the "bluesy" sound of the song. To me the chorus of this song describes exactly what the album manages to accomplish and in a way what it's all about.
" Tell me does it, move you? Does it soothe you? Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock and roll?"
And the answer to that is a resounding YES!!.
The piano bars of this song get you instantly. The whole song is a soothing slow melody, up until the chorus that is, at which point it lifts off into an energetic harmony so characteristic of the band. This is one of two favourite Taylor vocals for me (the other being "Blue Sky").
"Georgia, you know that you've been on my mind. Georgia, we've both learned to compromise. I'll be there for you, when everybody's coming unglued. I'll be there for you; I won't say you have to choose. `Cause I don't want to let you go, and I don't want to lose you slowly. I just want to let you know, that it's only just a little back and forth lately..."
Watch Over Me
Sadly the only Isaac lead on the entire album:(. But certainly not disappointing. Ike has proven time and time again that he is the king of raspy edgy rock songs. But with this track he's proven he can croon a sweet, sad ballad just as effectively.
"She wakes and takes her place in line, and never bothers asking why the mirror sheds no light at all. The days turn into lesser days until there's only night. The light it wouldn't help she's too far gone. Her time is up it's five o'clock. It never stops. And she says please, and she says please. And she says please, watch over me".
Running Man
Or as Tay calls it "the party track". And it certainly is, this is one you can definitely dance to. The first of many leads by Zac. The song itself is fairly simple: Guy wants girl. Girl's with another guy. The guy is sad and runs away. But it's got a groovy melody that's sure to stick with you for weeks.
"Waiting up all night, there's something on my mind; I need to tell you why (whoa-oh-oh.) He's playing you for a fool, he's fooling `round on you, and I just lost my cool, feeling so sad. Too bad for the running man, cause he waits too long so he can't come back again. Too bad for the running man, cause I'm right here waiting to make that girl forget. Too bad for the running man, goodbye."
The second lead song by Zac, it's not hard to see why they chose this as the first single. It's got another great melody and some nice lyrics to boot. I've wondered though what the "pipes get rusty" part of the lyrics refers to. My first thought was definitely not of the plumber variety. Guess that's just my dirty mind at work lol.
"For all the love we've made, just one thing stays the same, the lamp gets dusty, the pipes get rusty, but I don't want to wash my hands clean. You say you love me too, then why won't you go through, with the nightly kisses, with the hits and the misses, if you can make it on your own then ... Go, if you wanna go, but stay, if you wanna know the way, through the mess we've made, and lie in a bed you know, or go."
Fire on the Mountain
Another Zac lead, driven by acoustic guitar. It's a simple short yet poignant song about life with some political bits thrown in for good measure. The chorus is what really gets you, it's a slap in the face if you will on the basics of life. I think out of all the songs on the album this is one I identify with the most. The length of the song leaves you pining for more.
"We sit secure in time-honored traditions made, never wondering where or when the sickle may come, if we don't seek our knowledge to be greater men, when the rain starts falling gonna drown before we get our feet wet. We build our ivory towers to protect us from the flood, a fleet of vessels made of wood so they won't rust, but can we see the bottom of the bottle when we start to drink, there's fire on the mountain, fire and it's coming our way."
"Live. Learn. Life. Love. Die. Dust. Gone".
One More
This one took a few listens, but it has more then grown on me. Like all the other tracks the music is great, it's the lyrics in the song I didn't have a feel for. I'm not exactly sure why, but again after multiple listens you definitely start to get the full impact of the song. Props to Tay for a variety of vocal ranges on this one, oh and love the acapella intro of "Blue Sky" by the children's choir at the very end.
I sit here by myself, just staring into space. I thought I knew you well. Well who can ever say. It seems I've spent so long, I can't define my right from wrong. One more for the night, one more for the pain and one more, long goodbye. And one shot to the brain, and one more takes the knife. And one more takes the train. Who do I name today"
Blue Sky
As I mentioned earlier this is my second favourite Taylor lead. Another great rock tune, full of energy largely due to the children's choir once again, and Taylor's raspy vocals of course. The music and beat of the song much like "Running Man" make you wanna get up and dance. And the lyrics aren't half as bad either ;).
"I'm blind with eyes wide open, my body's tired and broken, I want a taste of something that doesn't leave me dry. This hope for answered questions, as rare as true conviction, I stare into the distance, there is no truth in sight, who can tell me why... I've seen the main attraction, I've felt the moment's passion, I won't be no soap box teacher, just taking your time, just taking your time, who can tell me why."
Everybody's looking for a blue sky, searching for an answer on a satellite.
I know that there's got to be a blue sky out there to see. A blue sky waiting for me."
Tearing It Down
By far my favourite Zac song (after "The Walk"). Such a fun rock number with awesome hooky accompanying guitar. Absolutely love the lyrics in this one, and the simple yet very effective bridge :).
I am, taking a chance. Walking with my laces loose, wrapped up, taking the maze. That everybody's running through. I'm sick of, black tie, nickel and dime. We're going through the roof. I'm not a wise man, but I see the haze. And this is what I'm gonna do. Tearing it down.
tearing it down."
Something Going Round
Another favourite on the album for me, you can't help but move when listening to this one. Alternating lead between Taylor and Isaac, this is another tune where Hanson makes great use of their voice, and harmonizing talent.
"Are you hungry? Won't you come get your fill. We'd get this thing in motion, if you stop acting tough. Superstar you sit up high on your hill. Well I know why you're running, only you know what you've lost. I've got this something that's been going `round, I've got this something, you don't know it, but you need it."
Your Illusion
A track that has been in the works since 2000's "This Time Around". According to the guys the song never seemed to fit anywhere on the previous album. Well, it certainly fits perfectly on this one. It's a vocally and musically haunting tune that just gets to you.
With another solid lead performance by Tay. Oh, and I admit the first line of the song caught me by surprise. Never thought I would see that in a Hanson song lol. I guess that's another proof that these guys have definitely matured.
"You say you want to kill yourself, it might make it just a little bit easier. You think you're the only one who hurts, try looking just a little bit harder. I don't know why you're holding on.
To the damage that's been done. 'Cause you've got me wrapped up in your illusion, I keep on trying to change your conclusion, but you've got me wrapped up in your illusion, I keep on dying, cause you're busy wasting life."
The Walk
The title track, and deservedly so. It's my second favourite Zac song on the album, and the first ever lyrically. He's really come a long, long way from his early days of writing and this song is the perfect example. I've loved this one ever since getting my first taste of it on the "Underneath Live and Acoustic" DVD.
This is also the track where you notice how far he has come vocally as well. His voice used to really irritate me, but now his tone has a soothing quality to it and like Taylor's a great vocal range. A range that is perfectly demontrated in this song with tone changes that go from comforting and sweet to forcefull and demending with effortless ease.
"Everyone waits on the walk, some are long and some small, but all of them tall. And everyone must make a choice. Will I go for it all, possibly fall? The tightrope is thin, I could possibly win, on the walk. Well high on the walk, the tightrope it bends, and nobody knows where it ends. To win or to lose, you're all on your own, `cause everyone must be alone. On the tightrope, everything's bare, all that there is, is from here to there. On the tightrope, the goal is quiet clear, don't lose yourself in your fear."
I really like the overall messege of this song, facing the uknown as described by the band and over coming the challanges life throws your way (that's my interpretation).
In A Way (Japan only track)
Oh, how I wish this one was included on the North American version. This is another one of Zac's songs and it tells a sad poignant story of a mother wanting to leave this world. Who knew Zac was so deep?. I certainly had no clue till I heard this song. Aside from the music this song contains my fave piece of lyric ever written by Hanson.
"Love is only what you give up, life isn't what you get, love won't always fill your cup, but life's when you start to live, life's when you learn to give."
I am (Japan only track)
Another Zac lead I really wish was included on all versions of the album. There's something about the melody in this one that I can't quite put my finger on, but it's that same element that makes this song irresistable to the ear.
The tune itself is the bands ( well perhaps maybe just Zac's) interpretation of the world we live in and the situations we face. This song is also quite ironic, in that Zac is signing about being a father (and son).
And yet he's the only one of the members without a little bundle of joy. Unless maybe he's talking about being a father in the greater sense of the word, or maybe I'm just reading way too much into it lol.
"Gone astray, we find ourselves, right on the edge, of falling apart. Don't you see, it's in our ways, when something's done wrong, we just go along. It lights a fire, inside of me, just show me when, this living stops. I am father and son, I am all that I fear, I could choose to give up, we could tear the world apart. All on my own, I'm trying, to change how you see and what you believe. To fight fire with fire and live eye for eye, we'll all end up blind and burning."
This album was completely worth the 3 year wait and it is undoubtedly one of their best. I can't wait to hear what they'll come up with next :).
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