Well, it's been over a week now and our birdie is adjusting well, he's starting to eat more (although he's still avoiding seeds) so that's a work in progress. Human food is more to his liking, potatoes, pasta, lettuce, carrots and apples are all things he continues to enjoy. I even got him to try some meat today.
He's also becoming more vocal, he was making a lot of noise today (hasn't worked out a melody yet I'm trying to teach him the theme from The Smurfs lol) . It seems my dad is on top of the list of people he goes to, so far I'm second and my mom is third.
Sadly I don't think that will change anytime soon. He's also becoming more confident. We got him a brand spankin' new cage today, with lots of sticks to perch on and lots more room.
We put him in for a bit and he definitely liked the high perch on the left side of the cage, it provided him with a nice vintage point and a view of the window. This cage also let's in a lot more light, I have a feeling we'll have to cover it at night otherwise we'll be up at the crack of dawn. Literally lol.
We're still trying to get him to stop biting, but since these things take time we'll just have to be patient. Though unlike my last bird he bites very lightly and he's definitely a lot more active and a lot more fun.
He was completely spoiled this weekend spending time with all 3 of us outside of the cage. We will have to get more strict in that respect because he still doesn't want to eat inside of the cage out of his dishes and prefers to eat out of a hand.
We've all noticed though that if we don't pay attention to him and leave him in the cage he'll eat almost out of spite lol. And if we (specifically my mom and I) don't let him out right away he gets mad at us and won't come out of the cage for hours even if the door is open lol. Yep, he can be very sweet but also moody and tempermental very much like a human lol.
He definitely makes all our lives interesting:).
awww.......pets rock.
they love us all the time. glad you have a new friend.
Very true Christie very true:).
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