Just saw the new "Live Free or Die Hard" aka Die Hard 4.o flick and found it highly enjoyable. Lots of witty banter and over the top outlandish stunts and action sequences.
The car crash into the helicopter looked cool unrealistic but way cool. This movie has more techno-babble and gadgets then you can shake a stick at. As a geek I found that to my liking, but it probably made a lot of other people yawn lol.
I liked Justin Long in this movie he has pretty good chemistry with Willis maybe not as good as Sam Jackson, but he's definitely believable as a terrified hacker and injects some nice humor throughout. John McClane's cynical humor is of course a staple of all the Die Hard movies and this one doesn't disappoint. Well some people might say different since it lacks it's quota of the f words, but I digress.
I absolutely loved the actress who played the grown up Lucy (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), John McClane's daughter. She had some classic scenes, and definitely knows the Die Hard movies well.
I was a bit disappointed with the bad guy in this one, but that's probably because he relied on all the high tech tricks rather then your standard drag out knuckle fight. Not to say that the film doesn't have any, McClane throws in plenty of punches in this one too.
And I do wish they had done a bit more research on government interiors, instead of having some that looked like sets out of a sci-fi movie. But with all the fast paced action and the wise-cracking you quickly forget about it.
Every Die Hard movie had that one scene or one line that became an instant classic, in this movie that scene occurs towards the very end, I won't say what it is because it'll ruin it. I will say this it certainly makes up for the unsatisfactory bits (at least to all the true Die Hard fans).
I would definitely see this one again, and I'm thinking of getting it on DVD. I can't say whether this one is the best in the franchise, because I haven't seen the first 3 movies in years and this one comes 12 years after the last.
But I can certainly say that after 12 years Bruce Willis is still the man!, at 52 years old he still looks as imposing as ever and still fits his character like a glove. Not having much recollection about the other 3 I was able to enjoy this one more since I wasn't comparing or over-analyzing it.
Out of all the sequels to come out this summer, this one definitely doesn't suck.
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