Thursday, October 23, 2008

WB Television Executives thank TTSCC fans

Well, what do you know?. The big-wig Executives do pay attention to the people on the net:

Source: Sarah Connor Society

And if that's not enough a note from the creator himself, Josh Friedman:

I've been asked for a few words regarding our full season order. First, my ever-loving thanks goes out to both Fox and WBTV for making all things possible. Second, big thanks to all of you who agitated on the internet: There is No Fate but What You Make. We’ve been making Our Own for a while now and we’re just gonna keep doing it until someone stops us. Like our endo brethren, we are damn hard to kill.

Source: official production blog

Let's all give ourselves a big pat on the back for a job well done :-).

Now we just need to persuade the netowork to change that Monday time slot ;).

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