Sunday, September 14, 2008

Oprah does Skype?!

While reading I came across her Oprah post and felt compelled to write my own response.

I actually remember seeing Oprah talking to the aforementioned woman during the show's premiere week and thinking, wow either that's a really crappy satellite connection or the people in the control room are really slacking off.

But it turned out to be much worse then that, yup Oprah was using Skype!.

Now you're thinking so what? everyone uses it these days (hell I use it myself to communicate with family), but this is OPRAH it's not like she couldn't have used oh, I don't know... a satellite!.

I'm all for demonstrating Internet savvy, but I think there are much better ways then talking to your guests in pixelated form ( as Pamie pointed out). And let's face it, it's not like she can't afford it *snort*.

Also I think I should be clear about the fact that I am so not an Oprah fan, important issues are all well and good, but I can only take so much of those in one day much less an hour.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I need a little laughter now and again, which is why The Ellen Degenerous Show is more my cup of tea.

With that said I would take Oprah doing her usual spiel over the horror that was Skype chat.

As an occasional Skype user I thought I would also take this opportunity to say how much it sucks!. Seriously, I've never known a more frustrating chat program in my life.

And boy, do I wish my family would realize the same and, use something more reliable like Google Talk ( yes they do chat now) or Windows Messanger for instance.

I thought that when ebay bought Skype they would wise up and invest in more servers. I guess not.

Unfortuntely since my family are all big fans of Skype I will not be escaping it any time soon and therefore, be forced to suffer through more pixelation, time delays and bad audio along with Oprah and her entire television audiance *sigh*.


Unknown said...

I agree! Oprah adding guests on Skype does NOTHING for the show. Ellen is hillarious!

Hope you are well Lurker!

Lurker said...

Glad you agree and yup, I'll take Ellen over Oprah any day.