Last year there were rumors that season 14 (the current season) which comes back this Thursday April 10th would be the show's last.
Well, that rumor turned out to be just that. According to T.V. Guide.ca and The Hollywood Reporter ER will indeed return for a 15th and final season on NBC.
The news is somewhat bittersweet however, apparently the season will be shortened by 3 episodes. Not that the current one will fare any better in that regard, due toi the WGA strike.
As per ER tradition the new season will welcome 2 new possibly reoccurring characters in the final year. Gotta say from the article description I'm definitely intrigued.
Though personally I'm still eagerly awaiting the conclusion of Abby and Luka's storyline, here's hoping they do not have a tragic ending.
Just once I would like my favourite tv couple to be happy at the end. Although I'm not entirely certain they will.
I also can't wait to see what returning favourites will pop-in as the season draws to a close (so far we've only had Gloria Reuben). I think we can definitely rule out Juliana Margulies (Carol Hathaway), since she's got her own show on FOX. Canterbury's Law which is pretty good actually.
As sad as I will be to see ER go (what the hell will I watch on Thursday nights?!). I really have to applaud it's actors, writers and creators for bringing one of the longest and the best running medical dramas to television.
One thing is for sure with ER gone NBC will have some very big shoes to fill.
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