Friday, April 14, 2006

Shopping, E-cards and other geek essentials:)

Choosing an e-card can be such a pain in the butt, a lot of them are either to suggestive or too childish. I had to spend an entire hour on Wednesday sending 15 e-cards, and I honestly thought I would go nuts lol. I have a big family so I actually have to keep a list of all the people I need to send e-cards to each holiday lol.

Also I wanted to mention this a few weeks back, but the weekend that my bird died my parents and I went out on a little shopping spree to keep our mind off things and to cheer ourselves up I guess. These shopping sprees usually include essentials like shoes, clothes and food. And in keeping with my geek roots some type of electronic equipment or hardware lol.

In this case it was a brand new fax machine, well ok a fax, scanner, printer combo:D. Ok and a battery back up for my lovely computer to give it longer life lol. Now I had endless discussions with the parent units over the fax, that is I wanted to get just a regular fax with out all the combos.

Because really how often does any person use a fax in a span of a year? once?. And my main argument was that I already have a scanner, printer, copier combo so really why get another? and from the same company. But as you may already have guessed some people are just impossible to convince no matter how much logic is thrown at them so in the end we ended up with the combo. And basically we've used it once so far and that's not even the fax lol.

Well that's the end of my rant I've been wanting to get that off my chest for weeks lol.

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